Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A Self-Made Man


 "A Self-Made Man"



The ones hired by the ones who risk everything are there to do a job which they provided. They aren’t entitled to the same cut. Not even close. The employees risked nothing, while the employer has risked it all. This sort of rhetoric is nonsense



"The employees risked nothing". Huh. So, it was a one and done for the employees. 

They got a job and that was due entirely to the largess of The Boss. 

They had no other options. There were no other jobs they could have gotten. 

Their good work, making the products the company sells, ordering the material other employees use to make the products the company sells, maintaining the equipment that are used to make the products the company sells, marketing the products the company sells, designing the products the company sells, improving the designs of the products the company sells, selling the products the company sells to distributers, ENTIRELY due to The Boss, from beginning to end..... 

The Boss is the one taking the risks, ALL of them, and these lucky lucky employees owe it all to The Boss, who is under no obligation to "give" raises to the lucky lucky employees, who should be ashamed to ever ask for a raise, (how dare they?!), and not only are they "not entitled to the same cut" they should probably ask for a reduction in wages as a 'thank you' to the Boss who risked everything and owes them nothing, because he can find workers anywhere... 

Like China. He'll eventually move production to China or Macau or Hong Kong or Taiwan where he can make even more money, because there he can pay even lower wages. 

And then when his former employees cry foul, he'll call them communists for wanting more of what HE earned, JUST HIM, because look!, he could move production overseas, to Communist China, and make even more money, and they couldn't do anything, and he can sit in his mansion and scheme to pay little or no taxes to support the USA, and then he'll complain because he needs more police protection, and complain the roads aren't maintained...


and his headstone will read "A Self-Made Man".

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies