Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Mike Huckabee, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Gov. Scott Walker, Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Ted Cruz don't get the First Amendment!

Elected officials take oaths to uphold their city charter, county charter, state or federal constitution. The Rowan County Clerk, Kim Davis, of Rowan County, Kentucky, has certain legal duties and is not willing to carry them all out. The honorable thing for her to do, therefore, is to resign.
Presidential candidates Mike Huckabee, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Gov. Scott Walker, Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Ted Cruz appear to support her reneging on her oath of office, therefore the question must be asked, Will they renege on the oath of office of the President of the United States? I say this because they all support Ms. Davis refusal to follow her oath rather than resign in protest, yet each wants to take that oath as our next President.
Of even greater concern is that these guys want to be president yet don't understand the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution which they intend to swear to defend and protect! On TV you heard Ms. Davis say repeatedly to gay couples that she WAS following the law, God's Law. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution prohibits exactly that: a government official may not promote a particular religious viewpoint or perform a particular religious action that favors or supports a particular religion or religious viewpoint. The creators of the Constitution thought that so important that it became part of the very first amendment!

(and then there's the hypocrisy) This could be subtitled "however many times it takes you to get it right":

...since Davis is in her fourth marriage. So I guess it should read "4 men and 1 woman".
Her lack of humility is in contrast to her enormous hypocrisy.

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